
Welcome! The NeuronBench dashboard is your hub for creating models, managing who can access and edit your files, and controlling your settings and billing information.

Quick Start

In just a few minutes, you will create an account, start your first project and populate it with a copy of the demo model (a network with two neurons and a synapse).
Quick Start →

Core Modeling Concepts

Building in our Quick Start project, we will unpack the sample network. We will write the top-level Scene component by remixing the pre-written Neuron, Stimulator and Synapse components.

We will then unpack Neuron, defining it in terms of its morphology and Membranes.

And finally we will unpack Membrane to learn how Channels are specified.

At the end of the tutorial, we will have fully defined the demo scene, without any external links, and we can freely experiment with channel properties to see what impact they have on the network.
Core Modeling →


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